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WasteX Biochar

We supply high-quality biochar to Java, Indonesia-based clients.


Compliant with WBC-Agro properties and tested by Eurofins Scientific Labs, our biochar is of the most optimal quality with high surface area and high pore volume for soil application and chemical adsorption. 

Biochar from wood waste

Product Details

Based on WasteX's own trials and implementations, application of biochar can:

  • Increase crop yields up to 95%

  • Cut the need for fertilizer by up to 50% 

  • Boost overall soil health

Below are the properties of WasteX's corn cobs and rice husk-derived biochar, which comply with WBC-Agro properties:

WasteX biochar properties against WBC Agro's standards

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*Special price available for large orders

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